Lily's Kitchen Grain Free Complete Wet Adult Dog Food Wild Campfire Stew 400g
Lily's Kitchen Grain Free Complete Wet Adult Dog Food Wild Campfire Stew 400g
A complete dog food crammed full of fresh, wholesome ingredients, nutritious herbs and essential vitamins and minerals, in a grain-free recipe with venison, pheasant and salmon.
This delicious Lily's Kitchen Wild Campfire Stew recipe is made with fresh venison, pheasant and salmon, and is highly suitable for dogs that may be allergic to the traditional protein sources. Each yummy serving is packed with tasty vegetables, organic potatoes as a source of potassium and butternut squash packed with vitamins A & C. We include our unique blend of herbs to help provide optimum health benefits for your dog.
Only real meat: no rendered animal parts, carcass or derivatives, nothing Genetically Modified, no artificial preservatives, colours, taste enhancers or sweeteners. No wheat, corn or soya. Lily's Kitchen only use wholesome meats, grains, herbs - roots, flowers and leaves, fruit and vegetables - to produce a delicious, digestible food for your dog.
Lily's Kitchen Wild Campfire Stew for Dogs at a glance:
Complete wet dog food
Fresh meat: with venison, pheasant and salmon, making it ideal for dogs allergic to more common meats and providing key protein and omega-6 fatty acids
Clear skin and healthy coat: thanks to omega fatty acids found in fish
Key vitamins: including vitamins A and C from butternut squash and potassium from organic potatoes
Organic fruit: helping support healthy digestion and offering antioxidants
Botanical herbs: all providing key nutritional value for your dog's health
Free from artificial additives and troublesome ingredients
Please note: As freshly prepared venison is used in this dish, there is a small chance of finding pieces of shot in the dish. The greatest care has been taken to remove any shot, but small pieces may occasionally be missed.
65% freshly prepared: venison (40%); pheasant (15%); salmon (10%), potatoes (3%), butternut squash, green beans (1%), apples, vitamins & minerals, hemp oil [source of omega-3 & -6], herbs & botanicals [golden rod, nettle, aniseed, celery seed, rosehips, marigold petals, cleavers, seaweed, alfalfa, milk thistle, dandelion root.
Additives per kg:
Nutritional additives:
Vitamin D3 (200 IU), vitamin E (30mg).
Trace elements:
Zinc [as zinc chelate of amino acids hydrate] (15mg), copper [as copper-(II)-chelate of amino acids hydrate] (1mg), manganese [as manganous chelate of amino acids hydrate] (3mg), iodine [as calcium iodate] (0.75mg).
Technological additives:
Locust bean gum (1g).